As a result of Covid 19 Pandemic safety regulations, all bars and clubs were shut down in Berlin in November 2020. This created an enormous emptiness and struggle in social, cultural and professional lives of many Berliners. In this series called Party for One, I photograph each person alone in their favourite night time venue, currently closed. Empty venues open their doors to one regular at a time and whisper stories of past premiers, performances and wild nights with friends, of large community gatherings and regular quiet evenings, of bankruptcy and new enterprises, of lost jobs and gained experience, of sweet memories of togetherness individually savoured. These photographs stand as our dreams of those places and symbols of the people’s nostalgia, stillness, hope and longing. The individuals photographed are those who own the establishments, worked there, performed there, partied and relaxed, talked, drank and listened to music, everyone temporarily deprived of it. Each person is left one to one with their own experience, memories and imagination connected to the empty venue. The lockdown created a space to look inside yourself: at the end, each party is a Party for One. I photographed in 24 Berlin bars and clubs. Ali @ Edition Gallery; Angie @ Dream Baby Dream; Anna @ Bravo Bar; Arthur @ Misirlou Bar; Paura Diamante @ Beate Uwe; Chris @ Sameheads; Christian @ Friendly Society; Frank @ Neu Odessa Bar; Freddy @ Blackland; Gregor @ Betty F Bar; Gusto @ Kim Bar; Henry @ Casa del Habano at Hotel Savoy; Jake @ Kater Blau; Jim @ Urban Spree; Kiki @ Salon Zur wilden Renate; Lizzie @ 131 Bar; Lola @ Kumpelnest: Makoto @ Mysliwska; Marina @ Studio 8; Nora @ Kit Kat; Olli @ Ankerklause; Rainer @ Kino Babylon; Ruben @ Arkaoda; Steve @ SO36